Hello! I’m Alexia Pietkiel, a rising sophomore at RIT and a brother of DSP’s Upsilon Class at the Epsilon Lambda chapter. I joined in the fall of 2021, and became our chapter’s Chancellor this past spring semester.
Joining DSP and taking on a leadership role helped me feel more connected to our chapter as a whole, as well as the fraternity at a provincial and national level.
I was elected to attend Delta Sigma Pi’s 54th annual Grand Chapter Congress as our chapter’s alternate, along with our delegate, brother Malcolm Johnson. Through this experience, I was able to travel to Cleveland, Ohio, learn lots about other chapters, network with collegiate and alumni brothers from around the country, and have lots of fun!
While there, I chose to attend optional workshops that covered a variety of topics. My favorites were the “Marketing Your Chapter (aka Recruiting)” panel and the “What’s New with IDP and Mock Trials” panel. Through those two workshops, I feel I learned the most beneficial information to bring back to our chapter and hopefully implement this upcoming academic year.
Our chapter was also selected to participate in a small focus group discussing the
upcoming changes to the Individual Discipline Policy (IDP), and I chose to participate as
it affects me directly as a Chancellor. Through this focus group, I was able to have an
open conversation with collegiate brothers and brothers on the national level about
problems and resolutions within our chapters, as well as our opinions on the upcoming
Although there was a plethora of professional and networking events to participate in, I was also able to make connections and friendships with brothers from other chapters while there. Brothers from the Mu Pi chapter in Erie, PA stand out, as Malcolm and I spent most of our time socializing with them during and after scheduled events. Full GCC registration included a ticket to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame one evening,
which was such an exciting experience. We were able to see lots of memorabilia from amazing artists, as well as show off our musical talents at the Garage, singing and playing instruments with brothers of all ages.
Overall, this past Grand Chapter Congress was one filled with a variety of amazing and
memorable experiences that has furthered my love and passion for DSP. I’m so beyond
excited for our 55th annual GCC in Houston, Texas next summer!