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Deltasig Events

Rose Ball

In the spring, Delta Sigma Pi - Epsilon Lamda throws a Rose Ball to celebrate the year! It is a night filled with awards, dancing, brotherhood, and most importantly—food!


LEAD Provincial Conferences are full weekend events for leadership training, and also include meetings of Delta Sigma Pi’s provincial councils, during which proposed changes to bylaws and the Fraternity Ritual are discussed and voted on.


Grand Chapter Conference

Grand Chapter Congress offers an experience like nothing else.  Imagine hundreds of Deltasigs in one place: learning, leading, and socializing. Grand Chapter Congress conducts the business of the Fraternity, offers educational programming of interest to collegians and alumni alike, and presents opportunities to meet, greet, and interact with brothers from across the country.

Fall & Spring Retreat

Where brothers come together at the end of each semester to destress and enjoy team-building activities.

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